Friday, September 21, 2012

I found friendship at Alpha

Before I joined Alpha, I was “on my own”. Yes, I knew my God existed in my life and went to church like anybody else. I must say that I had faith in my Lord based on the wonders He did for me and have seen His glory but, “I was still on my own”. Alpha has helped me to take a leap of faith, to rejoice in His word with my fellow Christians and brought me closer to my congregation.
Now I know at least a few Christians by their names and that’s a wonderful experience and a beginning of better relationships. Over and above that, I have gained the understanding of how to use the bible. I have really enjoyed the sessions as I learned the Word of God and mostly listening to God as He talks to me through other people’s views. So, patience and listening skills were improved.

I have already started spreading the word to my family and friends and it feels good and I am in a good space knowing that The Lord has a place in my home. I just hope that they can hear what The Lord says instead of what I say. There is a great need to also emphasize this to our congregation - changing one person at a time.

Having this program introduced in our Catholic church is an amazing gift that we all needed badly. So for us who have experienced it we need to show the light to others and encourage them to join in these sessions so that they can gain knowledge and experience the beauty of understanding God at a different level. If we all have our strong Christian foundation to lead us rather than the religious foundation, we will not judge others but worship together in the name of the Lord Jesus our Saviour.  

I thank you and God Bless,

Khaya Bhengu