A dedicated group of volunteers from Bryanston Methodist Church has been running The Alpha Course for the offenders for the last 3 years in the Leeuwkop Correctional Center. A team of approximately 35 volunteers from all ages, cultures and genders started out in 2009 by running The Alpha Course for approximately 120 offenders.
Since then they have been going into this correctional centre twice a year. God opened the doors at the Maximum Security center in 2011 and since then a team has been going into the Maximum centre to run The Alpha Course. Each course runs for 8 weeks in total and the weekly sessions start with a time of praise and worship followed by the Alpha talk; the groups then have small group time for discussions; and they end off the day with a time of prayer.
At the end of each season the volunteer team has a “celebration” braai where they are able to socialize and reflect on the courses that they have run. We highly commend this team of volunteers for the incredible work that they are doing, and for the wonderful testimonies that come from the offenders who give their lives to Jesus.