Friday, May 25, 2012

Contentment through Alpha

I decided to join Alpha five years ago when I heard it was about questions of life.  I had questioned why I had to be confirmed and I was eager to know about this "cruel God" who had “empty promises”.

Hence I was angry, confused and naïve and I had to know why life was so unfair.  My spiritual life was a roller-coaster and I was bitter.   I had stopped going to church and was sceptical about praying, especially about praying The Lord’s prayer.  This was because of my issues with God. 

Fortunately I was welcomed in the Alpha family where I finished a fruitful course and  received counselling.  I was blessed with a gift of understanding.   Now I look at life differently.  I have made peace with God and have grown to understand that God provides only when there is a good motive behind the request (book of James).  God is great, and now church is my second home and prayer is a conversation with God. I’m even comfortable with letting the Bible be my guidance book.  Alpha helped me to find contentment in God.  Today I'm a vibrant and passionate Youth Alpha leader.

I feel privileged to work with young people  and would love to make a difference in our society where people experience God’s presence and see the excitement of believing that God is “all that”. He wants us to come to Him as we are.   Alpha was the beginning of understanding my relationship with God,  allowing Him to be in my life.

I now pronounce myself as a proud born-again Catholic Christian

– Toby

From the alphasa team: Thanks for sharing your heart with us, Toby!  It takes a strong person to stand up and be counted.  May you be blessed and walk in His favour!