Friday, November 2, 2012

Alpha partners with African Enterprise in city-wide mission

From the 12-18th August 2012, African Enterprise ran an evangelistic outreach mission in the city of Pietermaritzburg including its township areas. Steven Lungu, whose incredible testimony many will know of through his book, Out of the Black Shadows, was one of the main evangelists as well as Michael Cassidy. 

A number were saved in the traditional “tent” meetings but more significantly were the numbers who responded in the marketplace outreaches – resulting in 88 workplaces requesting on-going visits and ministry. Alpha was welcomed as a partner in this mission, as a follow-up tool for discipleship and Michael himself was happy to endorse Alpha from the front of his speaking venues including the City Hall. Through the partnership, doors were opened for Debbie and Simon (KZN Alpha representatives) to speak about Alpha at steering committee meetings, business breakfasts and pastors fraternals, to name a few. Banners and street-lamp posters went up all over town, a sizeable advert was run in the Natal Witness newspaper and courses started where they’d never been run before. 

Praise God for the many fruitful connections that have been established, some with leading Christian figures in the city, and we are confident this will lead to more courses starting in 2013.